Financial Education

Pet scams are big business these days, with scammers posing as breeders and raking in money from many people in the United States. The Better Business Bureau estimates that pet scam reports have increased nearly five times since 2017, when the trend first came to...

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The Game of Life (the board game introduced by Milton Bradley as The Checkered Game of Life) was originally created over 160 years ago, in 1860. In the modern version released in 1960, the game starts out with an interesting scenario. Each player must choose whether...

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Quick question: Would you prefer to inherit—1. A $200,000 portfolio of stocks and bonds, or 2. A $200,000 IRA invested in the same stocks and bonds? All things being equal, the IRA should be your second choice since it comes with an income tax obligation. Most...

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If you own or manage a business, your mailbox and inbox are probably full of offers to give you a loan. Why? Because making loans for businesses is easy. But at the end of the day, a loan is just a transaction – you get money and you’re obligated to repay that money...

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When it comes to the day-to-day operations of your business, you have a lot on your plate. With fraud and data security threats constantly evolving, you need to be aware of safety measures to keep your customer card data protected. The Payment Card Industry Data...

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Serving as a caregiver for a child or adult who has special needs brings unique challenges and is an admirable role. Each disability can present unique challenges, which require unique solutions. However, one common challenge involves managing financial resources,...

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The U.S. economy had never experienced anything like the coronavirus pandemic, which triggered widespread lockdowns of the local economy and a general economic contraction.  Once vaccines became available, the economy did not reopen smoothly, with many disruptions in...

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Spring is known as the housing market’s busy season, but if you followed the trends last year, “busy” doesn’t even begin to describe how things unfolded. In 2021, intense bidding wars, record-high home prices, and rock-bottom inventory levels made for one of the most...

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Why do so many people never obtain the financial independence they desire? Often, it is just because they do not take the first step — getting started. Besides procrastination, other excuses people make include investing is too risky, too complicated, too time...

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You are about to become a parent. Congratulations! Parenthood may be one of the most rewarding experiences you will ever have. There are also a lot of new factors to consider. An Arvest Wealth Management Client Advisor can walk through the planning process with you to...

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