Wealth Management

2020 was the year when required minimum distributions (RMDs) were not required from IRAs and qualified retirement plans. Given the economic uncertainty of the economy and the volatility of the financial markets, Congress wanted to give everyone maximum flexibility in...

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Being in jeopardy is not an unfamiliar state for a business, as they are constantly evolving to survive, retain key talent, and adjust to new circumstances and demands from their customers and partners. The fact that there are always unknowable risks for the owners of...

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New Year’s resolutions often don’t stay in our minds long, and then reappear as the year ends to be supplanted by new ones. Do New Year’s resolutions work for you? If not, then you are in the majority. Goals are usually fulfilled or dropped as new problems arise that...

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Investors planning substantial gifts to children or grandchildren may be considering whether or not to give stocks or sell the stocks and give the cash to alleviate the management concerns for the recipients. This article explores some of the unique benefits that may come with gifting the stocks directly, and introduces the strategy of using the annual gift tax exclusion as an estate planning method.

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As year-end comes about, there are time-sensitive decisions to make and tax incentives to capitalize on. With a year that has had as much volatility as 2020, nimbleness may be the order of the day. Such volatility makes portfolio management and portfolio tax planning...

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Some say “money can’t buy happiness”, but are they right? A recent study in the scientific journal Emotion did link an increase in assets to increased happiness, but science doesn’t have a definitive answer for us yet. It might have more to do with how money is used...

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