There’s a long list of advice I wish I could give my younger self, especially when it comes to saving money. The first thing I would tell myself is that with my first job to put a minimum of 10-percent per paycheck into a savings account. The weeks will go by, and those funds will add up! Another thing I would tell myself is to live by a budget, price-shop, avoid impulse buys and manage credit card debt. This is still good advice that can help you, no matter what stage of life you’re in.

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Speaking of the stages of life – you might be wondering just how soon do you need to start saving for retirement.  Anyone who is close to wrapping up their career will tell you “Now!”  The moment you land your first full-time job, set up an automatic deposit, so part of every paycheck goes directly into retirement savings. Many employers offer matching programs. They contribute the same amount of money YOU invest – up to a certain percent. Your local banking advisor can share more options for diversifying your retirement savings plan, so schedule that conversation once you begin your career.