Bank fees can be scary, but if you keep track of your spending, they lose their fear factor. There are several different types of bank fees you should look out for. ATM fees, overdraft fees, and fees on insufficient funds…. just to name a few. To avoid bank fees before they hit your account, you should check your balance at the beginning and end of each day. Also, ask your bank if you can set up text and email notifications when transactions hit your account… And check with your bank to see which fees you should keep an eye out for! And, as always, report suspicious activity as soon as you notice it.

With Arvest’s myBlue® checking account, you can check your account balance online whenever you need to. You can also enable text and email notifications when a transaction hits your account, so you know exactly how much money is going in and out. With the myBlue® checking account you can also rest easy knowing someone is watching your account, even when you’re not. Visit to learn more about myBlue® and other great checking account options.