Arvest Bank understands the stress and uncertainty customers may be feeling as we all deal with the effects of COVID-19. We want to help ease any concerns customers may have about banking and/or their personal financial situations during this time.

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That’s why it is important to know Arvest has expanded assistance programs available for customers dealing with hardship due to the effects of COVID-19.

Mortgage Servicing Assistance Options

We are working alongside our investor and agency partners at Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, HUD-FHA, VA, USDA and others to help provide timely solutions to help keep you in your home.

To best determine what Arvest can do to help during this time, please call (877) 483-2940 and select option 2, or visit our website for more information.

Payment deferrals could be an option at the time your hardship is resolved, and other options may be available including repayment plans and loan modifications.

Loan Assistance

Any loan customers dealing with hardship due to the effects of COVID-19 are encouraged to contact the bank during normal business hours to discuss their options. The number to call is: (877) 483-2940.

This includes customers with consumer loans (auto, home equity, debt consolidation, etc.).

Customers needing assistance with a business loan should contact their loan officer.

 Relief Options

Arvest offers several different relief options available due to the effects of COVID-19. The options available to you will depend on your loan type. Options that may be available include:

  • Deferrals, also referred to as loan extensions
  • Forbearance
  • Repayment plans
  • Loan modifications