Displaced families will be able to enjoy nutritious and delicious meals thanks to a $5,000 donation from the Arvest Foundation.

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The gift was announced today at the Community Rescue Mission (CRM) in Fort Smith. Beth Presley of Arvest Bank was on hand to present the check.

The Arvest Foundation donation will help fund a walk-in freezer for the facility.

The Arvest Foundation donation will help fund a walk-in freezer for the facility.

“Just imagine that today, tomorrow, next month and year after year, the Arvest Foundation will help provide nutritious and delicious meals to families with no home of their own, while they are working hard to get back on their feet,” said Heather Sanders, executive director of Community Rescue Mission “The foundation’s generous gift to Community Rescue Mission to help purchase a new walk-in freezer impacts thousands of lives. Last year, for example, we served more than 27,000 meals to our residents, and a hot dinner to our poor and under-employed neighbors immediately surrounding our campus, all at no cost. Considering that our total nights of stay were 15,444, that meal number is quite believable.

Beyond CRM, your gift also impacts our wider community. CRM has built relationships with large food supplier donors, we have positioned CRM as a trusted entity, to maximize donor food donations, by sharing our typically abundant supply with other non-profits, including the Sack Lunch Program, Salvation Army, The Next Step Day Room, Meals on Wheels, Methodist Village, Antioch, Gospel Rescue Mission, Van Buren Boys and Girls Clubs, and Hope Campus. Thank you to the foundation for being a faithful community leader and friend.”

“We are pleased to present Community Rescue Mission with this donation on behalf of the Arvest Foundation,” Presley said. “With this donation and others collected from the community, Community Rescue Mission was able to purchase a new walk-in freezer that will help provide food for families in need in our area. We are very thankful for the Arvest Foundation allowing us to provide local support to the communities that we serve.”