The Forrester-Davis Development Center (FDDC) will be able to complete building repairs and offer more training materials thanks to a $3,000 donation from the Arvest Foundation.

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The gift was recently announced at the development center in Clarksville. Ark. Assistant branch manager Britney Hogeland, commercial loan assistants Vanessa DeHaro and Whitney Koenigseder, financial sales representative Nelson Sotelo and commercial lender Tony Warren from Arvest Bank presented the check on behalf of the Arvest Foundation to development center director Joy Wilson and Making Abilities Count coordinator Ona Dunlap. Making Abilities Count is a division of the FDDC.

The Arvest Foundation donation will allow the FDDC to make much-needed repairs to its buildings. It also enables the center to build up its training resources and materials.

“Because of the Arvest Foundation’s faithful contributions to the Forrester-Davis Development Center we are able to continue our mission of providing educational and habilitative services that enable developmentally disabled children and adults to pursue independence and a better quality of life,” FDDC human resources manager Christina Mize said. “We’re incredibly grateful for the foundation’s generous donation!”

“We are pleased to present this donation on behalf of the Arvest Foundation to support the Forrester-Davis Development Center’s efforts to support developmentally disabled children and adults in the area,” Warren said. “We’re committed to helping the Forrester-Davis Development Center achieve its mission and we look forward to seeing its continued impact in our community.”