According to the American Red Cross, someone in the United States needs blood every two seconds, and lifesaving care begins with donations. 

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’ At Arvest, we are compelled to answer the call for help in the communities we serve. What started last year as a conversation around how important a blood donation was to an associate’s family’s care has turned into a company-wide blood donation program led by our Associate Impact Group, ArBilities, a group focused on advocating and supporting communities with different abilities. 

Arvest Associate Smiling Giving Blood Two Arvest Associates Smiling in Front of Blood Drive Truck

During the month of January, Arvest is once again hosting blood drives for our associates. Our people-focused company culture has been moved to provide the most important element for life and these blood drives are our avenue to deliver needed support. In addition to expanding from nine blood drive locations last year to 15 in 2025, this company-wide blood drive is also supporting BAAM!, our Black and African American Associate Impact Group. The group is open to all Arvest associates and provides learning and community involvement opportunities. This collaboration among ArBilities and BAAM! will support the Day of Service initiatives to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Jan. 20.

Arvest Associate Smiling With Sign That Says "I Donated to Help Others"

The connection of these initiatives is very unique and effective. Although a blood donor could come from any racial or ethnic group, the best match is one with a similar ethnicity. This makes donations by diverse donors that much more dire. BAAM! has committed to helping engage its members and communities to drive more donors, while celebrating the call to action Dr. King inspired. This joint effort is a testament to how our people-first culture drives us to a community focus internally and externally. 

Dr. King’s dream of unity and service transcends generations and calls us to action. Blood donation exemplifies this spirit by connecting people across all walks of life to help those facing medical emergencies. The Red Cross tells us one donation can save up to three lives.

Arvest Associate Smiling After Giving Blood

 We love numbers at Arvest and that is an equation we can get behind! We hope you are inspired to reach out to your local blood bank to donate as well! 
