Arvest Wealth Management
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Latest Thoughts from Arvest Wealth Management

Our focus is to provide our advisors with the technology and information necessary to provide you, the investor, the best service possible. We go beyond just your investments and take a team approach to help you build, protect, manage and transfer your wealth.

Person hugging a tree with heart on it

Philanthropy + Planning

As the holiday season approaches, many people are filled with a spirit of gratitude and generosity. One might think the onset of a global pandemic last year would have caused many to reduce their charitable giving, but instead, the opposite happened. Americans...

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older couple receiving advice on finances

Bypassing Probate

You may have heard about the horrors of probate, but truthfully, probate’s recent bad reputation is undeserved. If you bypass probate, your estate will go to your beneficiaries without any court proceeding, which may save a certain amount of time and expenses....

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Mom and Dad walking with grown children

Four Pillars Illustrated

The foundation of a successful plan for wealth management rests upon four pillars–build, manage, protect, and transition wealth. A concept, which is clearly illustrated in the fictional life of John Jones. Investment: Build Mr. Jones has successfully started his...

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Working mother next to her child riding a bike

Women Face Challenges in a Post-Pandemic World

The COVID-19 economic crisis tested the mettle of all Americans, particularly working mothers. Research shows that the pandemic's impacts on women have been far-reaching and potentially long-lasting. Now that the U.S. economy is picking up steam, it may be more...

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Dad and teen hiking

Insurance for a Long Life

For most types of insurance, we are thinking about protecting others and removing ourselves from the liability of other’s harm. It’s not about a big payout for us, it’s about preventing a big payout from us. Insurance is often viewed as protection for us and our...

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family smiling outdoors with kids on parents backs

A Beginner’s Introduction To Whole Life Insurance

September is Life Insurance Awareness month. According to the insurance industry research arm LIMRA, new insurance policy sales are up sharply, and total premium growth from new and existing whole life insurance policies in 2021 in particular is projected at a...

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microphone on stage of an empty auditorium

Lessons for Everyone from Celebrity Estates

Estate planning is for everyone, not just the rich and famous, but the rich and famous are more fun to read about. Here are two recent examples that illustrate just how complicated estate settlement can be. The Queen of Soul – Aretha Franklin In order to keep...

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social security card and cash

Social Security 101

As a program to help everyone save for retirement, Social Security ought to be simple, but it is surprisingly complicated in the number of choices it provides. The appropriate actions for maximizing benefits are by no means obvious, and can become even more complex...

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consultants hand looking showing graphs and charts

Addressing Inflation In An Investment Portfolio

In June, the Federal Reserve confirmed that only some of the inflationary price pressures we’ve been witnessing are transitory, and it may need to move up interest rate increases, though likely not until 2023. As investors, we will need to look even harder for ways...

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Are Inflation Concerns Themselves Inflated?

The “topic of the day” in the financial press lately has been inflation.  As the economy has started back up, coming out of the lockdowns, there have been a variety of supply chain disruptions, leading to spot shortages and price increases.  Are these indications...

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man and woman sitting in the floor of a home being remodeled

Your Retirement Game Plan

Although we look forward to retirement throughout our careers, entering it is an unfamiliar experience, one that will be especially challenging for anyone not fully prepared for it. Our primary focus when deciding if we’re ready to retire is typically financial...

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Multi generational family hiking

When Economic Changes Come, Who Will You Turn To?

It starts with trust and ends with a multitude of questions and qualifications. You would never delegate substantial wealth management to someone you do not trust, yet those family members you trust most may not have the experience needed to take over in the case...

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Arvest Retirement Plan Consulting - Arvest Wealth Management

Competing In a Tightening Job Market Successful businesses are built on many key ingredients, and one of the most important are its employees. Everyone is relieved that the economy is getting back on track, and unemployment has been steadily going down. As the job market...

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family moving daughter in to college

Keeping Up With Rising College Tuition

If it seems as though college is getting more expensive every day, that’s because it is. College tuition costs have been going up for the last 100 years, and though it seems as though they couldn’t possibly find a way to go higher, it keeps on happening. Does going...

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Arvest Wealth Management support

Information from Arvest Wealth Management and Arvest Trust

Arvest Wealth Management is working alongside our bank partners to ensure we are actively implementing best practices as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and local government authorities. Investing options For investment account...

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dad telling his kids and wife goodbye as he leaves for work

New Acronyms for Old Wisdom?

People don’t always act rationally, and they don’t always invest rationally either. Stock prices may not follow expectations, and emotions may cause impulse decisions. New acronyms have shown up on Reddit in the last few months that have become associated with...

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Woman looking at phone

“Gamification” Psychology in the Stock Market

The recent volatility of GameStop stock and limitation of purchasing some stocks in January by some brokerage firms has sown confusion and mistrust in the way that the stock market functions. The rise of “free” trading mobile apps and fractional share investing...

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Arvest Wealth Management


Arvest Wealth Management helps people make careful, consultative investment decisions you can live with—today and for years to come.

At Arvest Wealth Management, we have the tools, resources, and expertise you need to manage every financial aspect of your life: from stocks, bonds, and life insurance to retirement planning and estate settlement and everything in between. Best of all, you will have one client advisor orchestrating all the different Arvest Wealth Management capabilities. One person who knows you, knows your goals, and works hard to help you meet them.

Ways We Can Help

Planning Investing Insurance Trust & Estate


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(888) 916-2121
Service hours are 8:00am – 6:00pm (CST), Monday through Friday and 9:00am – 1:00pm on Saturday.

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