Arvest Wealth Management
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Our focus is to provide our advisors with the technology and information necessary to provide you, the investor, the best service possible. We go beyond just your investments and take a team approach to help you build, protect, manage and transfer your wealth.

Couple looking at documents

Six Questions To Ask a Trust & Estate Professional

You may have heard that the great wealth transfer is coming. There are estimates of $30 to $70 trillion in assets to be transferred between generations in the coming decades. For some, it is much closer than they would like, and many individuals leaving an...

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Man sitting on his couch looking at his laptop

Evaluating an Early Retirement Offer

In the corporate environment, there are sometimes circumstances which lead employers to offer certain employees early retirement packages. But how do you know if the seemingly attractive offer you've received is a good one? Start by evaluating it carefully to make...

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Extended family walking together through the snow

Wills: The Cornerstone of Your Estate Plan

If you care about what happens to your money, home, and other property after you pass, then it is time to do some estate planning. There are many tools you can use to achieve your estate planning goals, but a will is probably the most vital. Even if you're young or...

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middle aged couple hiking and smiling

A Closer Look at SECURE 2.0

The major budget package enacted by Congress in December included a subdivision called “SECURE Act 2.0.” The 1.0 version of this package of legislative changes for qualified retirement plans was the “Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act of...

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couple budgeting

Establishing a Budget

Do you ever wonder where your money goes each month? Does it seem like you're never able to get ahead? If so, you may want to establish a budget to help you keep track of how you spend your money and help you reach your financial goals. The new year can be a great...

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Social Security Retirement Benefit Basics

Social Security benefits are a major source of retirement income for most people. Your Social Security retirement benefit is based on the number of years you've been working and the amount of money you've earned. When you choose to begin taking Social Security...

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Red gloves holding snow in the shape of a heart.

Merging Wealth and Philanthropic Planning

As the holiday season approaches, so does the desire to give gifts to those around us. These gifts are not just for people we know. Americans are some of the most charitable people on the planet, and that trend even grew over the last two years as people came...

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On The Agenda: SECURE Act 2.0

Congress enacted the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act in 2019, generally known as the “SECURE Act.” Key elements of the law included new incentives for employers to establish qualified retirement plans, lifting the age for Required Minimum...

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Planning Ahead for Life Insurance Proceeds

Why did you purchase life insurance? If you're like most people who buy life insurance, you're looking to provide a source of income for someone, such as a spouse, parent, or child, after you pass. Buying the policy was the first step. Now you'll need to do a...

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Conducting a Periodic Review of Your Estate Plan

What is conducting a periodic review of your estate plan? With your estate plan successfully implemented, one final, but critical, step remains–carrying out a periodic review and update. Everyone has different life events and changes, both planned and unplanned,...

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Estimating Your Retirement Income Needs

You know how important it is to plan for retirement, but where do you begin? One of your first steps should be to estimate how much income you'll need to fund your retirement. That's not as easy as it sounds, because retirement planning is not an exact science....

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Couple meeting with advisor

You Can Harvest Investment Losses For Tax Savings

With the major stock market indices in bear market territory, this may be a good time to evaluate the potential benefits of realizing some capital losses in the investment portfolio. No one enjoys admitting defeat by selling an asset that has gone down in value,...

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Mother and daughter on the porch before going trick or treating

Three Halloween Lessons Investors Should Learn Too

Experience may be the best teacher, but that doesn’t mean we are all the best students. Many times, there are lessons we only grasp later in life once we’ve made the same mistakes over and over again. It has been said if you want your kids to learn about taxes, you...

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man looking at computer screen

Six Keys to More Successful Investing

A successful investor maximizes gain and minimizes loss. Though there can be no guarantee that any investment strategy will be successful, and all investing involves risk, including the possible loss of principal, here are six basic principles, which may help you...

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Four Benefits of Working With a Financial Advisor

Becoming a do-it-yourselfer is easier than ever, thanks to the internet and YouTube. Skills and knowledge, once available only from professionals, are now accessible to anyone with the patience to watch instructional videos. For example, a person could diagnose a...

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Arvest Wealth Management


Arvest Wealth Management helps people make careful, consultative investment decisions you can live with—today and for years to come.

At Arvest Wealth Management, we have the tools, resources, and expertise you need to manage every financial aspect of your life: from stocks, bonds, and life insurance to retirement planning and estate settlement and everything in between. Best of all, you will have one client advisor orchestrating all the different Arvest Wealth Management capabilities. One person who knows you, knows your goals, and works hard to help you meet them.

Ways We Can Help

Planning Investing Insurance Trust & Estate


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(888) 916-2121
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