Spin on Spending

If it seems as though college is getting more expensive every day, that’s because it is. College tuition costs have been going up for the last 100 years, and though it seems as though they couldn’t possibly find a way to go higher, it keeps on happening. Does going to...

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As the days get longer and temperatures climb, now is the perfect time to step outside and explore all nature has to offer. Outdoor activities can help you rid your cabin fever and improve your mental and physical health while offering adventure just around the...

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People don’t always act rationally, and they don’t always invest rationally either. Stock prices may not follow expectations, and emotions may cause impulse decisions. New acronyms have shown up on Reddit in the last few months that have become associated with...

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At Arvest, we admire and appreciate our Ag customers, and we salute the families and professionals who live the Ag lifestyle. We recognize the expertise, grit and dedication it takes to grow and distribute the abundant food supply that feeds America and much of the...

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2020 was the year when required minimum distributions (RMDs) were not required from IRAs and qualified retirement plans. Given the economic uncertainty of the economy and the volatility of the financial markets, Congress wanted to give everyone maximum flexibility in...

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