There are moments when you need to speak with your bank about customer service-related questions containing information specific to your accounts or transactions. This type of message should not be sent to the bank using regular email. Instead for security purposes you should send a Secure Message with Arvest Online Banking with BlueIQ™ or Arvest Go.

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Secure Messages should be sent for the following types of inquiries:

  • Account activity questions.
  • Online and mobile banking transaction details.
  • Reorder debit card or request other services.
  • Any other questions that may contain specific details about your identity, account information or transactions.

To send a Secure Message using Arvest Online Banking with BlueIQ™ select Messages, then Secure Messages. From there you can write a new secure message to Arvest Bank or review previous messages you have sent.

Watch the above video to learn how to send a Secure Message with Arvest Go. For more Arvest Quick Tip videos visit or find Arvest Bank on YouTube.