There are moments when you may need to locate past transactions within your Arvest account. The Arvest Go mobile app and Arvest Online Banking with BlueIQ™ allow you to search for these transactions in a few clicks.

Free checking with Free Blue.

To get started with Arvest Go, log into your account. Select which account you are wanting to search within and select the search tool icon in the top right-hand corner. Type in your description and select search. You can filter your results by amount, check number, check number range, description, and memo. You can also filter your results by date range.

Within Arvest Online Banking with BlueIQ™, select transactions in the center of the online banking menu. Search by category, keyword, date, or check range. Within Arvest Online Banking with BlueIQ™ you also have the option to export your results into a document.

Now you can stay on top of your transactions and discover your spending trends. For more Arvest Quick Tip videos visit or find Arvest Bank on YouTube.