At Arvest, we admire and appreciate our Ag customers, and we salute the families and professionals who live the Ag lifestyle. We recognize the expertise, grit and dedication it takes to grow and distribute the abundant food supply that feeds America and much of the world.

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There’s so much to learn and appreciate about this vital sector of our national economy, especially if you didn’t happen to grow up around farming. Without the dynamic industry that produces our food, fiber and renewable fuels, we wouldn’t have the variety of foods we enjoy, wear the clothes we wear, or even have affordable access to most of the every-day products we rely on. And for those in the industry, there’s always more to learn. Ag is growing and evolving and full of new opportunities.

Here are a few quick facts:

  • We export more food and fiber to world markets than we import, creating a positive agricultural trade balance.1 U.S. agricultural exports are projected to reach $140.5 billion for fiscal year 2021.2
  • About 98% of America’s two million farms are operated by families – individuals, family partnerships or family corporations.1 (America’s Diverse Family Farms, 2018 Edition*)
  • 87% of U.S. ag products sold are produced on family farms or ranches.1
  • Women make up 36% of the total number of U.S. farm operators; 56% of all farms have at least one female decision-maker.1
  • Careful stewardship by America’s food producers has spurred a 34% decline in erosion of cropland by wind and water since 1982.1

The future looks bright for U.S. college graduates with ag-related degrees. We can expect more than 59,000 job opportunities annually between 2020 and 2025. Employer demand will continue to exceed the supply of available graduates with a bachelor’s degree or higher in ag-related fields.3  These include everything from engineering, mechanics and technology; to veterinary medicine, bio, animal and plant sciences; to production, business, finance, sales and operations management; to HR and recruiting, marketing and PR; to legal and government relations; to consulting and training, teaching and academics. If you have questions about careers in Ag, or how your food is produced, or if you’re just curious how something works on a farm — then, as farmers like to say: The best way to find out is to ask a farmer. Google* “ask a farmer” and you’ll find personal Ag blogs with all sorts of interesting Q&A’s about most any type of farming.

For more than 50 years, Arvest has been proud to lend to the farmers and Ag businesses that serve our communities. Today we’re honored to be one of the largest Ag lenders in the country. Our local Ag reps provide our customers with capital, financing, and management solutions to help their operations grow and thrive.

You can find more about American Ag, careers in Ag, and National Ag Week at* or* .


1Adapted from the Farm Bureau® Fast Facts About Agriculture & Food.*

2USDA, Outlook for U.S. Agricultural Trade, August 2020.*

3Adapted from*

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