It’s getting warmer, which means gardeners are getting ready to plant their spring and summer gardens! If you’re a novice, don’t worry – now is the perfect time to pick up this hobby. First, you need to figure out what garden zone you’re in. In the south and mid-west, March is a great time for planting seeds that can handle cool soil and reach their peak harvesting time in mid-summer. This group includes carrots, peas, leafy greens like spinach and lettuce, grapes, raspberries and strawberries. You can find seeds online or at your local gardening store. Next, you need to prepare a bed or several pots for planting. Make sure wherever you plant your seeds, they will get plenty of direct sunlight and are easy to water. And finally, plant your seeds, water them every day, and wait to harvest! Now you have just started a new hobby!

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