A date night out on the town is certainly a lot of fun, but an extravagant night out can really reflect on your checking account, depending on how much you splurge!

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Consider stretching your dollar by replicating all of the amenities of a night out – for an elaborate date night at home.

Create the atmosphere by setting a formal table that includes a tablecloth, cloth napkins, a small vase of fresh flowers and candles. Dim the lights and pop the champagne or wine! Purchasing your own bubbly will get you more glasses for your money.

Look to the deli of your local gourmet grocery for pre-prepared salads and side items. That’s also where you’ll find an easy-to-prepare entrée and freshly baked bread to warm in the oven. Voila! The rest of the evening is yours to enjoy!

You’ll likely find extra savings you can use toward that date night by cashing in on your Arvest Flex Rewards. This credit card program has no monthly fee and you can redeem points for gift cards, cash back and more. AND who knows, with the points you earn on eligible purchases you might treat yourself to an exciting excursion in the future. Visit arvest.com/rewards to learn more.

Arvest Credit Cards are subject to credit approval.