Arvest BillPay lets you pay your bills and schedule payments online through Arvest Online Banking with BlueIQ™ or Arvest Go. You can schedule payments to anyone in the United States who you would normally pay by check or automatic debit, even if you do not receive a bill from the company or person you want to pay.

Arvest BillPay provides tools to help you track your payments, view history of payments for the past 24 months, and schedule recurring payments. You can set up a custom payee list by easily entering the information for your recipients, companies, or people you want to pay.   With Arvest BillPay, you can  schedule one-time payments, set up automatic payments to pay your electronic bills,  and set up automatic payments for a set amount to pay on a select date each month.

Payments scheduled through BillPay will be sent to the payee either by a check through the mail or electronically through an automatic draft from your account. When you schedule a payment online, BillPay will automatically display the earliest date the recipient will receive the payment. Some payments may require a lead time of up to 5 business days to account for processing and mail delivery. You can accept the payment date displayed or you may select another payment date. After you  submit the payment, the payment information will be validated. If the payment cannot be completed due to the information entered or the payment dated selected, a notification will be presented on the screen. Should this occur, you may resubmit the payment with the corrected information.

With BillPay, you can set up reminders to receive notification when an electronic bill is due. You can also set up to receive additional payment notifications in your settings in Arvest Online Banking with BlueIQ or Arvest Go.

Watch the above video to learn how to send a payment using Arvest BillPay with Arvest Go. For more Arvest Quick Tip videos visit or find Arvest Bank on YouTube.