In observance of Memorial Day, all Arvest Branches and the customer service line will be closed on Monday, May 30. We will resume normal hours on Tuesday, May 31.

Send & receive money fast with Zelle. Look for it in Arvest Go.

For your convenience, you can bank 24/7 using:

Arvest Go Mobile App

Arvest Online Banking with BlueIQ™

An ATM near you

24-Hour Account Info Line

Remember those who courageously gave their lives by carrying a specialty military or patriotic debit card all year long. Stop by any Arvest Bank location to order your FREE* patriotic or military debit card from May 28, 2022 – June 4, 2022.

During this promotional period, the replacement fee will be waived on military and patriotic designs for Arvest checking account customers who currently have a debit card. Select from ten debit cards in the military and patriotic debit card series at Debit cards are free* with any new checking account.



*Replacement fee waived on military and patriotic debit cards May 28, 2022- June 4, 2022 for existing Arvest checking account customers. Checking account required. Minimum deposit required to open a checking account. Fees and restrictions may apply.