In observance of Labor Day, all Arvest branches and the customer service line will be closed on Monday, September 6.

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Labor Day is often the unspoken signal that summer is ending. Many of us will spend the extended weekend trying to do as many of the “last of summer” things that we possibly can, while others will be rejoicing that cooler weather is on its way and preparing for pumpkin spice everything. No matter which seems more fitting for you, here are a few ideas that will allow you to observe the holiday honoring the American workforce, without working too hard:

Not everyone gets to enjoy the holiday. While many people are off work on Labor Day, some may not be. Consider taking snacks or a meal to a police station, firehouse, healthcare facility, agriculture producer, manufacturer, retail store, transportation and logistics employees or other industry that continues operations of critical functions to keep society running, even on a holiday.

Take a minute to honor others. Simply thank workers you come across, such as grocery store or food service employees, for doing their jobs. Go the extra distance and provide a hand-written thank you note to those people you may not encounter daily, but whose job function is essential to your life, such as those in the utilities or public works industries, community or government workers.

Remember those serving. Active military who are deployed may be missing home, especially during national holidays. Send a care package to them that they can enjoy. Consider the timeline for shipping, the weather where you are sending the package and determine what they actually need before preparing the package. is a resource for obtaining this information.

Self-care should be a priority. Don’t forget about yourself. Use this long weekend to recharge. For example, consider taking a break from thinking about your job by not checking work-related emails for the weekend. Set aside the time you would normally spend doing this to have some fun with family or friends, listen to a podcast or take a walk or bike ride. Only you know what is best for you. Whatever you choose, self-care is the goal.

However you choose to spend Labor Day, we hope you will celebrate, honor and pay tribute to the many working men and women who have contributed to the social and economic achievements of our country.