In observance of Independence Day, all Arvest branches and the customer service line will be closed on Monday, July 5.

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As you are making your plans for Independence Day, we encourage you to keep the safety of your family and friends in mind. Fireworks are exciting, colorful, sometimes loud and, you can find them at many Independence Day celebrations. They are also a leading cause of summer-related injuries. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, ” Fireworks were involved with an estimated 10,000 injuries treated in U.S. hospital emergency departments during calendar year 2019.”

If you, or someone you know, is thinking of making fireworks part of their Independence Day celebration, take a minute to read and share these important firework safety tips:

  • If you are considering lighting your own fireworks, make sure they are legal where you live
  • Store fireworks in a cool, dry place before using them
  • Always have a bucket of water, a working hose, or fire extinguisher nearby and have an extra person in charge of water in the event a fire should break out
  • Never wear loose clothing when handling fireworks
  • Do not allow children to play with or near fireworks
  • Read the directions and warnings very carefully before lighting any fireworks and never use fireworks that aren’t labeled with instructions or warnings
  • Stay far back from fireworks you have lit
  • Be extra careful when lighting fireworks in windy weather conditions and always light fireworks on a smooth flat surface away from flammable materials
  • If a firework does not light, do not stand over it or look inside it. Instead, use a hose to put it out with water and then dispose of it safely
  • Never light fireworks indoors or in other structures, such as carports or garages or in areas with dry grass

Around Independence Day, there are sometimes opportunities to watch professional fireworks shows in your local community, which is the best way to possibly avoid firework injuries. You can even watch some fireworks displays on TV — right from the comfort and safety of inside your home. However you decide to celebrate the holiday, your friends and family at Arvest wish you a fun and safe Independence Day!

For more information on fireworks safety, visit