Arvest Bank is pleased to announce that Security BankCard Center is now Arvest Credit Card Division.

We finance home improvements.

Arvest has long offered credit cards under the subsidiary name of Security BankCard Center. Recently, the decision was made to rebrand Security BankCard Center as Arvest Credit Card Division. You will receive the same outstanding service, just under a new name.

We encourage you to visit for all of your credit card needs.

Customers with a credit personal card can go here for more specific information, while customers with a business credit card can go here.

To access your accounts online, go here. For other questions, updates to your account or assistance with balance transfers and automatic payments, you can contact the same Customer Service teams at:

  • Consumer cardholders can call (800) 356-8085
  • Commercial cardholders can call (800) 822-7759


We look forward to continuing to serve you as a valuable Arvest Credit Card customer. We appreciate your business!