FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — Arvest Bank’s 1 Million Meals initiative challenges bank associates, customers and community members to participate in fundraising efforts and nonperishable food drives to fight hunger in the more than 120 communities the bank serves. The initiative is needed, as 49 million individuals, including 16 million children, are identified as food insecure1.

Arvest Bank kicked off the two-month, bank-wide effort to provide at least one million meals to local, hungry families today, and will continue through Oct. 31. The initiative will conclude just before Thanksgiving, when donations are presented to 59 local organizations who feed the hungry in their communities.

To participate in the 1 Million Meals initiative, customers and community members can drop off nonperishable food items or make monetary donations at any Arvest Bank branch or call (866) 952-9523. Every dollar raised through 1 Million Meals provides the equivalent of five meals for those in need.

Each of Arvest Bank’s 59 recipient organizations was selected on a local basis.

For more information about 1 Million Meals, visit arvest.com/millionmeals.

1Feeding America Map the Meal Gap 2013 Executive Summary