FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — In early September, Arvest Bank announced the beginning of its fifth annual 1 Million Meals campaign, which challenges bank associates, customers and community members to fight hunger in more than 120 communities the bank serves by providing at least one million meals to those in need. Today, the bank announced the campaign has raised 589,118 meals to date, more than halfway to its goal.

Arvest branches throughout Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma have been participating in this initiative by collecting nonperishable food items and monetary donations. These efforts will continue through Oct. 31, with the intention of reaching one million meals donated to the local communities Arvest serves just in time for the holidays.

Every dollar raised through 1 Million Meals provides the equivalent of five meals for local, hungry families.

For more information about 1 Million Meals, visit arvest.com/millionmeals.