The Arvest Foundation recently awarded the Twin Lakes Literacy Council a grant for $2,400 in support of the organization’s tutoring program for children. The Children’s Tutoring Program helps children who test below their grade level, are at risk of failure at school, or who have learning disabilities by providing tutoring in reading, language and math to bring students’ academic skills to their grade level.

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“When a student faces a learning gap in the classroom it can be impossible to catch up, and that lack of understanding can impact the student the remainder of the school year and the years that follow,” said Heather Powell, executive director of the Twin Lakes Literacy Council. “This gift will help us bridge that learning gap so students can continue to learn, perform and succeed academically, providing them a solid foundation for being accepted into college or other post-secondary opportunities and securing gainful employment as an adult.”

“We are all life-learners and it’s exciting and beneficial when we expand our knowledge in any way,” said Sally Gilbert, community president of Arvest Bank in Mountain Home. “It’s important to us to support the educational endeavors of our community so our residents and our businesses can benefit from that investment long-term.”

The Twin Lakes Literacy Council works with both adults and children, providing instruction not only in reading and math, but also in English language, citizenship and basic computer skills and office programs. Tutoring is free and is conducted on a one-on-one basis. A portion of the donation will also provide much-needed new flooring in the tutoring area.

“We are extremely grateful to Village Carpet Shop for working with the Twin Lakes Literacy Council on the flooring project,” said Jaren Beavers, marketing manager of Arvest Bank in North Central Arkansas and Twin Lakes Literacy Council board member. “Community partnership is always vital, but we are certainly fortunate to have their support especially at this time.”