It’s officially spring now, so the calendar says. That means it’s time to get out your cleaners and yard tools, and start cleaning up around your home. It’s also the perfect time to freshen up something that’s even more valuable than your home- you. Here are some easy ways to help you grow this spring:

  • Straighten up your finances. Do you want to grow your savings? Or do you have credit card or other debt you would like to reduce or even pay off? Stop and review your budget to determine how you can save more, and then just do it. The extra money you find can be saved or used to pay down debt.
  • Clean out and declutter. Less is more. So, if you have clothes, shoes, or other items in your closet you never wear, clear them out. Consider donating gently used clothes and other items to a local charity to help those in need. If you have a desktop or workstation that’s overflowing with papers and mail, purchase folders and organizers to make your work life a little less complicated. This is also a good time to determine what paper mail you receive that could be converted to email.
  • Get outdoors. Spring is a great time to be outside. Think about taking up a new outdoor exercise, such as bike riding, running, or walking. If you really want to challenge yourself, train to compete in a road or bike race in the future.
  • Mix in some laughter. Laughter is one of the best ways to manage stress and connect with others. Try to bring laughter in your life by watching your favorite sitcom, listening to a podcast you enjoy or by having a virtual evening with friends playing games or just catching up.

The spring season will be gone before you know it. Take the time to start freshening up your life today and watch yourself blossom.