The community of Noel, Mo., will be safer with more sidewalks thanks to a $6,250 donation from the Arvest Foundation.

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The gift was announced recently at the Noel Betterment Association. Arvest Bank associates Marie Campbell and Tara Cosgrove were on hand to present the check to Noel Betterment Association board members Reid Schmidt, Chris Arnold and John Poynor.

The funds will help the Noel Betterment Association complete its initiative to provide safer walking areas throughout the city of Noel.

“We are pleased to present this donation on behalf of the Arvest Foundation to support the Noel Betterment Association’s efforts to provide better accessibility for the community,” said Cosgrove, community bank president for Arvest. “This donation is just one of many we have made throughout the area. It demonstrates the foundation’s ongoing commitment to enhancing the quality of life throughout the Arvest footprint.”