Our associates love being able to give back to their communities. In order to wear jeans each Friday, associates in our communities of Farmington, Lincoln, Westfork, and Prairie Grove, Arkansas donate $2 to a “Jeans Day” fund. This money helps us fund projects in those communities. These bags are delivered to “Meals on Wheels” recipients. The committee works together to come up with ideas on which items to purchase for the bags. Typically, the bags are handed out on the next “Meals on Wheels” route.

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This is just one of the many projects that Arvest does that promotes good community involvement and volunteering among its associates. This project is a returning favorite and it helps fill a need for the seniors in our local communities. I’ve always been blown away by the generosity of Arvest associates and their willingness to serve our communities.

It’s humbling to know that we work with associates that will invest their time through volunteering to fill the bags, and their money through “Jeans Day” donations to support projects like these.