Residents in the Russellville, Ark., area will benefit from a $5,000 grant from the Arvest Foundation.

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The gift was announced recently at the CARTI Cancer Center in Russellville. Joel Arivett, Shawn Bates, Jessy Moreno, Jason McGee, and Megan Chenowith of Arvest Bank were on hand to present the check.

The funds will be used to support the construction of the mammography suite at the CARTI Cancer Center.

“We set our goals high to raise $350,000 to improve the lifestyle and health of the River Valley,” said Scott Van Horn, CARTI Foundation campaign co-chair. “With the generosity of groups like the Arvest Foundation and the folks in the River Valley, our community will have access to high-quality screening and detection later this year.”

“Each year, the Arvest Foundation gives numerous contributions to organizations in the communities that we serve,” Bates said. “We are happy to give this donation to the CARTI Cancer Center in Russellville for the construction of their new mammography suite, which will serve our River Valley families.”