Patrons of the Paris (Ark.) United Methodist Church Food Bank will benefit from a $4,000 donation from the Arvest Foundation.

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The gift was announced recently at Paris United Methodist Church located at 205 N. Elm Street. Arvest Bank branch manager Heather Appleton and assistant branch manager Tami Moffet were on hand to present the donation to Paris United Methodist Church Food Pantry staff members.

The funds will be used to purchase additional food and supplies for the food pantry to keep up with the increased community demand.

“As the director of the food pantry at Paris First United Methodist Church it is my pleasure to accept this grant from the Arvest Foundation,” said Elaine Best. “Thanks to this generous gift people in our community will not go hungry and the pantry will be able to continue serving our citizens in need.”

“I am deeply moved to be part of an organization that gives back to its community,” Moffet said. “2020 has delivered many challenges for us all. I am just thankful that the Arvest Foundation is able to assist the Paris United Methodist Church Food Pantry with their quest to feed the hungry.”