Arvest Bank recently donated gifts to area agencies with their associate jeans day donations.

Arvest associates across Northwest Arkansas pay $2 dollars each Friday, so they can wear jeans to work. Associates in Farmington, Lincoln, Prairie Grove and West Fork use their donations to help children from low-to moderate-income families and senior citizens in their areas. Each year the funds are used for Christmas bags for Meals on Wheels recipients, cookies for Senior Center Christmas parties, filling general needs such as pants, shoes, underwear and hygiene items for the Bright Futures Programs at local schools and a toy drive for West Fork children who might not get much for Christmas.

“Our associates love being able to help people in their communities who might not have much during the holiday season,” Karen Gray, marketing manager for Arvest in Fayetteville.

Associates raised more than $5,400 in 2019 through their Jeans Day donations in these branches and more than 300 associates were the benefactors of these generous donations.