The great outdoors are calling – and we’re listening! The boom in exploring nature has people discovering new hobbies and exploring new places. If you’re looking for a new adventure to get your heart pumping – kayaking, mountain biking, or hiking your state’s natural...
To protect our family and belongings, we make sure our homes and cars have strong locks. To protect our important personal documents, we make sure they are stored in a secure location. To protect our digital identities and accounts, we must do the same thing. We need...
Starting or building your credit can feel overwhelming but if you take the steps to start your credit journey the right way it will be very beneficial in the long run. Your credit report represents your history of borrowing money and includes the amount of debt you...
When love is in the air, it could lead to an engagement ring on the finger! Diamond rings are an investment – and sometimes “love” comes before “saving.” A study by Bride magazine found that the average couple spent $3,700 on an engagement ring in 2020 – half...
People don’t always act rationally, and they don’t always invest rationally either. Stock prices may not follow expectations, and emotions may cause impulse decisions. New acronyms have shown up on Reddit in the last few months that have become associated with...
Kids are naturally curious and learn about the world around them through play. So the best way to help them learn how money works is to make it playful, colorful, creative and adventurous! Try these helpful ideas to get your kids or grandkids interested: Set up a...
Life is full of the unexpected, especially when it comes to finances, but maintaining financial stability is a crucial part of achieving your long-term goals. One way you can accomplish this is by buying a home, which can provide you with fixed housing costs that...
A date night out on the town is certainly a lot of fun, but an extravagant night out can really reflect on your checking account, depending on how much you splurge! Consider stretching your dollar by replicating all of the amenities of a night out – for an elaborate...
The recent volatility of GameStop stock and limitation of purchasing some stocks in January by some brokerage firms has sown confusion and mistrust in the way that the stock market functions. The rise of “free” trading mobile apps and fractional share investing have...
Contactless payments are a fast and easy way to accept card payments for your business. It lets a customer tap their contactless-enabled credit or debit card, smartcard, or another payment device such as a mobile or wearable device on a contactless-enabled payment...
It’s important to think about how each of us are doing our part to save the planet. So, let’s talk about the ways we might already be doing that. To help reduce your carbon footprint, you can use cloth towels instead of paper towels and reuse glass containers...
To rent or to buy – that is the big question, isn’t it? The decision to buy a home can be a tough one. In fact, it’s one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make in your life. That’s why it’s helpful to understand the benefits...
According to the Pew Research Group, the number of retired Baby Boomers had been growing annually since 2011 at a rate of about 2 million on average, but in 2020 that number jumped to 3.2 million. These retirements may have been long planned, or the pandemic-related...
At Arvest, we admire and appreciate our Ag customers, and we salute the families and professionals who live the Ag lifestyle. We recognize the expertise, grit and dedication it takes to grow and distribute the abundant food supply that feeds America and much of the...
It’s getting warmer, which means gardeners are getting ready to plant their spring and summer gardens! If you’re a novice, don’t worry – now is the perfect time to pick up this hobby. First, you need to figure out what garden zone you’re in. In the south and mid-west,...
As business owners continue to look for ways to streamline their business and improve cash flow, they might consider a corporate credit card to help manage expenses. But, there are other commercial payment solutions that might provide even more benefits to business...
2020 was the year when required minimum distributions (RMDs) were not required from IRAs and qualified retirement plans. Given the economic uncertainty of the economy and the volatility of the financial markets, Congress wanted to give everyone maximum flexibility in...
Spring is fast approaching, which means it’s time to get out the vacuum and dustpan! Spring is also a great time to clean up your finances. That’s right – just like your closet, your finances can accumulate things you don’t need or use. If you take a closer look,...
People have an inherent need to make their space their own. It’s a part of what makes a home feel like home. The downside of renting, however, is that you typically don’t have the freedom to customize your space. Buying Means Freedom to Customize As a...
We all know that building a savings fund is an important personal finance step. But how do you motivate yourself to spend less and save more out of each paycheck? Have you found tips or tricks to make the challenge fun? Is it even possible to make saving fun? Plenty...